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Refund Policy

Cancellations: Any order can be canceled as long as it is not in production or shipped.

Returns: Our products are uniquely made to order by hand for every order. As a small, one-person operation, returns or exchanges are not available at this time. However, I understand life happens. If there is a problem with your order, please use the contact form on the contact page within 7 days of receiving your order, and I'll be happy to help and do what I can to satisfy your request.

Shipping Policy

Orders will be produced, packed, and shipped within 2 weeks at this time. This is subject to change and could ship out earlier or (very unlikely) later. Tylar Designs is new, therefore still getting the hang of all this. 🙂

Preorders - Products notated as Preorder or On Backorder are subject to longer processing times. Please check the product description of these products for more accurate processing and shipping estimates.

At this time, Tylar Designs only offers shipping to the United States. Please reach out if you live elsewhere and are interested in our products!

Shipping options:

FREE SHIPPING: Free shipping on all orders $99+! This option is applied automatically. Standard Shipping policy below applies. Expedited Shipping can still be selected at checkout.

Standard Shipping: Standard shipping entails the best value shipping method at the time of shipping, at the discretion of Tylar Designs. This will typically be USPS Ground Advantage or UPS Ground.

Expedited Shipping: Expedited shipping entails the fastest available shipping method (2nd day or faster) at the time of shipping, at the discretion of Tylar Designs. This will ship via USPS or UPS.

Delivery dates cannot be guaranteed. Tylar Designs is not responsible for any customs or import taxes that may apply.

Policies may reasonably change at the sole discretion of Tylar Designs. Please contact for any concerns.

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